How I made peace with exercise (and how you can too)
Every time I go to the gym, I have this inner monologue:
“I don’t want to. I hate this.”
“But I need to. Just get on with it”.
For years now, I’ve seen the same guy. He’s sitting on a stationary bike and pedalling away.
Because I go on random days – he must be there every day. This guy (let’s call him Henry) actually seems to be enjoying himself.
How can you possibly enjoy exercise?
Henry is always watching some funny show on his iPad – while he’s sitting on the bike. (yes, I admit to being nosy – in the interests of ‘research’ 😉)
Scientists have a name for this.
It’s called Temptation Bundling
Temptation bundling is “pairing a pleasurable indulgence with a behavior that provides delayed rewards”.

A simple rule: I only let myself enjoy my favorite TV shows, audiobooks, or podcasts on my smartphone when exercising.
Exercise is a behavior that provides delayed rewards – like really delayed. That’s why it can be so hard.
In 2020 researchers worked with nearly 7,000 people doing an exercise program.
- They gave some an audiobook (with no other advice)
- To others, they gave the audiobook and told them about temptation bundling.
- The third group were given nothing (no audiobook or advice).
What happened?
Those provided the audiobook visited the gym 18% more frequently than those with no audiobook.
The ‘temptation bundle’ could be a podcast, audiobook, or a TV show.
How I learned to hate the gym less.
I find cardio exercise at a gym mind-numblingly boring.
The treadmills feel like torture. The stationary bikes feel like I’m a pet mouse on an exercise wheel.
But one day I found a few special exercise bikes hidden at the back of the gym. They had screens with a specific 25-minute program, with instructors and music.
“Speed up. Slow down. Up a hill. Down a hill.”
I’ve never looked back. It’s still exercise (technically HIIT), but it’s engaging and interesting.
It’s a form of temptation bundling. Sort of.
What can you do? Is there something you enjoy – that you can do while exercising?
A quick note: If you opted to listen to something at the gym, for goodness’ sake, use headphones, earbuds, AirPods, or anything.
To the news-at-full-volume guy: “Please use headphones next time. Thank you” 😃