Transform Yourself in 12 Weeks or Less

Get slimmer and feel younger without the starvation and guilt.


Start Transformation Now

As seen in

Imagine feeling stronger and energetic. Fitting your old clothes, and looking good in a bathing suit.

Is this you when you've tried to lose weight? 👇

  • “I feel guilty whenever I eat something bad”

  • “I don’t have time to exercise, and don't even know where to start"

  • “I worry about eating out and socializing”

  • “I'm hungry all the time and have to give up my treats”

  • “I feel lonely, unsupported, and people try to sabotage me.”

It doesn't have to be this way 👆 You don't have to do it alone.

Introducing the Thrive 12-Week Total Transformation

An expert-led coach-supported program that will shed unwanted pounds while getting you healthier.

Stop feeling alone and unsupported

Thrive provides world-class coaching and community support.

Communicate with your coach, complete challenges, share recipes, and connect with others.

No more 'bad' foods

Macro-based nutrition shows how to stay full while losing weight AND still enjoy your treats.

On the go? Listen to our audio version.

No time? Fast-track your learning with the 45-minute step-by-step video course.

Clarity on what to eat

We'll create a tailored nutrition plan simplifies your carbs, fats, and proteins intake.

We'll help you with an exercise plan that fits your schedule and one you can enjoy.


👉 Plus, group coaching sessions - get face-to-face guidance from your coach 2x per month.

I hear you saying "Sounds great, but..."

"I don't know what to cook or eat"

With the meal plan database and the meal planning app, you'll have easy-to-cook  meals at your fingertips. Plus, you'll know exactly what to buy at the grocery store with grocery lists.

With the macro recipe book, you'll find mouth-watering recipes that are prepared in minutes. End confusion with macro food lists.


"I don't want to exercise and don't want to join a gym"

Coach Ted will find movement that works for your interests, and time constraints. If you can't exercise, you'll still lose fat with our customized plan.


"I like to eat out"

The Guilt-free Guide to Eating Out Guide  shows the 16 fast food menu items that will keep you losing weight + the 6 restaurant hacks our top clients use.


"I emotionally eat & self-sabotage"

You'll learn the 10 keys to beat self-sabotage, and how even lifelong struggles with weight can be overcome.

Why Use Thrive?

Here's Everything You Are Getting When You Join Today...


âś… The Macro Solution - Learn how macro-based nutrition can shed pounds without starving or giving up treats - 144 page PDF ($29 value) PLUS the exclusive macro expert-led video tutorial. ($49 value)

âś… Access to the exclusive Thrive community - with 6x biweekly group coaching sessions ($299 value)

âś… BONUS: Handcrafted Nutrition Plan: Never struggle with knowing what to eat ($99 value)

✅ BONUS: Guilt-free Guide to  Eating Out: Dine out without the diet dilemma ($19 value)

âś… BONUS: 50 Days of Meal Plans - Never struggle to plan meals again. ($27 value)

✅ BONUS: 3-months free access to the meal planning app - Unique daily plans with the Prospre app  ($99 value)

âś… BONUS: The Ultimate Food Selection Guide: You'll learn the best macro-based foods, without the stress. ($19 value)

âś… BONUS: Macro Solution Audiobook: ($19 value)

âś… BONUS: 10 Keys to Beat Self-Sabotage: How to master the weight loss mindset - 27 page PDF - ($19 value)

âś… ELITE BONUS: Macro Mastery Recipe Book : Beautiful meals made in minutes - 30+ recipes - ($29 value)

âś… ELITE BONUS: Fat Loss Jumpstart - An exclusive plan that will drop 5 pounds the first week - ($19 value)



Start Now

No Risk Guarantee

If you actively follow our program and don't get results after 12 weeks, we will not only refund your purchase but also offer a free one-on-one consultation session to discuss what went wrong and how we might improve.

More Happy Clients

Why You Should Work With Coach Ted

“I tried so many fads, that ended in frustration and relapse. Then I found macros, where you still eat your familiar foods. You’ll actually enjoy food while shedding unwanted pounds.”

Ted Kallmyer is an industry pioneer in macro coaching, helping thousands of people transform their lives with his macro-based approach.

  • Specialist in Fitness Nutrition (ISSA)
  • Certified Fitness Trainer
  • Nutrition and Cookbook Author

Are you ready to claim back your energy and joy of eating, so you can have the body you desire?


Questions and Answers